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GEORGE TABB is an iconic and influential songwriter, musician, television producer, actor, author, activist, and yes, was a Ramone for one day.


His bands, from Roach Motel to Furious George have been influential to musicians around the globe, and young musicians continue to re-record many of Tabb’s original songs to this day. Joey Ramone had famously dubbed George “The Professor of Hardcore Punk”. Tabb’s songs have been used by Spike Lee, Disney, and most recently as an internet ad for Betty Crocker.


Tabb is entering his 25th year as a writer working for many publications including MaximumRockandRoll, Mass Movement Magazine, the New York Press, Splice Today, Details Magazine, Maxim Magazine and many others.


His first two books “Playing Right Field”, and “Surfing Armageddon”, both memoirs, have won various awards, as well as have been translated into many languages across the globe.


George Tabb is also a survivor of 9-11. He lived across the street, and was caught in the dust cloud that fateful day. 


Tabb knowing he had to do something, spent the next few years fighting for those who could not fight for themselves. He worked as a journalist, activist, and volunteer in and around ground zero, to expose the EPA's cover-up of the toxic air, and worked tirelessly from 2001-2010 to fight for justice for the survivors and first responders.


Unfortunately,  George has become very ill from the toxins in the air, and is suffering from sever health conditions including COPD, Cancer and various other ailments. Due to his fight for life, George has not been able to continue to write as a journalist, and can no longer tour. 


Tabb is currently working on, with the help of his wife, a new memoir that  he was working on before he became sick, and they plan on going to print as soon as they can.  


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